Deposit flow

Connect your wallet

Connect your evm wallet to the exchange and make sure it's connected to the official Polynomial Website. Once you complete the onboarding process you will be able to deposit into the Polynomial pool (minimum deposit of $100) and you can secure and start earning points.

Sign the Terms of Service

By signing, users both agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. This step is necessary to continue on Polynomial chain.

Deposit into Polynomial Pool

Users can Deposit USDC, sDAI or sUSDe from Ethereum mainnet, Arbitrum, Optimism and Base to the Polynomial chain.

After selecting 'USDC' from your desired chain, it will be bridged to the Polynomial Chain within 10-15 minutes. There’s no need to worry if you don’t see your deposit immediately.

Once your deposit is complete, you will secure your retroactive points, onboarding points, and initial boost. Read more about points here. Read more about Points here.

You will also begin earning points based on the amount you have staked in the Polynomial pool.

Once trading begins after the Initial Liquidity Event (ILE), Polynomial LP’s will earn 60% of the trading fees generated.

Last updated